Over the years, I have had many people try to get me to give them the formulas/recipes for my dit da jow collection. Quite a few of these people are now prominent Dit Da Jow suppliers. Many sent me their formulas unrequested and with "no strings attached," yet truly hoping I would feel obliged to give mine in exchange. I never agreed to trade formulas and have never used any of the formulas I was sent. More importantly, I have never violated the pledge I made when instructed to make these herbal medicines available but never to give out the formula or the steps to make them.
Sometime around the mid-2000s, some of these same people began attacking Shen Martial Arts, claiming we did not make our dit da jow and iron palm liniments "strong enough" and criticizing Shen as archaic and selfish for not sharing the dit da jow recipes. It so happens that this is right when they started selling dit da jow online. For those that have true knowledge of Dit Da Ke and the herbal arts, both of these accusations show very clearly how little these people know about making dit da jow and highlight the absence of any true training in the herbal arts.

This is the first of a series of posts that will reveal some of the fundamental aspects and key elements for properly crafting dit da jow and iron palm liniments, as well as internal tonics and elixirs. I will not be giving out specific how-tos, but instead will describe the general requisite steps that go into making the different herbal medicines. At least one of these steps will seem obvious and simple. The seemingly simple steps are, in actuality, of prime importance yet still unknown and thus bypassed by most dit da jow makers.
At this point, I will make a prediction. Not too long after I post some of these important steps and required elements for properly crafting true herbal medicines, others will begin posting, professing either their own prior training and knowledge of these steps, or expressing disagreement and criticism.
So, why stir the pot? Why shake the hornets nest? What is the purpose of putting up post that will cause polemic? Because on of the goals and in fact, a part of the Shen mission is to educate and inform our customers, our followers, our members, but in additon, the time has come for Shen to present our side of the story, to share our teachings and stimulate interest not only in the use of Dit Da Jow and herbal medicine but in its study and its practice.
Stay tunned for Shen Dit Da Jow Secrets Episode 1 - The Secret Sauce