About Shen Martial Arts
The New Shen Martial Arts - Herbal Wellness for Everyone.
Shen Martial Arts has gone through many changes over the past 3 decades, but we can now be truly considered born anew, with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. It is now lead by its founder and original herbalist as a newly started business. We retain our martial roots and continue to follow and promote the Martial Way as a path to self-development and higher consciousness. To that end, we offer products for martial arts practitioners of all styles, traditions and combat sports competitors of all creeds. However, our herbal products and offerings are now much broader. Our products have been used beneficially by thousands of people and we have grown and evolved to what we offer today, Herbal Wellness for Everyone.
Origins of Shen Martial Arts

Shen Martial Arts began as a specialty supplier of high-quality products for martial arts practitioners of all styles, focusing on premium, high quality, and hard to find products. Back then, in the pre-internet era, quality, authentic martial arts equipment, tools and advanced training methods were extremely difficult to find and outside of the reach of most martial artists. Shen Martial Arts filled the gap by offering rare, hard to find and premium tools and items to enhance the martial arts training experience and to improve training results and performance.
Legendary Shen Dit Da Jow
One of the rare product categories Shen offered consisted of several obscure herbal healing formulas called Dit Da Jow, used to heal injuries and trauma, to eliminate pain, to strengthen and condition the body, increase recovery time and to prevent long term, latent damage from the constant hard contact that martial artists are exposed to over years of training. These herbal formulas for hand-crafted liniments, tonics, elixirs, and tinctures were inherited by Shen Martial Arts as part of our lineage of kung fu and its healing art called Dit Da Ke. Word started spreading of Shen's "magical" herbal liquid and the miraculous pain-relieving liniment and people would come or write us from far and wide. Dit Da Jow became our calling card and Shen began earning our reputation for having "The best Herbal liniments" anywhere.


Original Shen Martial arts Logo
The original mission was to be a resource for martial artists and contribute to growth and advancement of martial artistes from any style. A strong aspect of this mission was to introduce martial artists to tools and items to supplement their training and to introduce, inform and educate on methods and practices that were not commonly known or accessible. Our Renewed mission is to contribute to everyone's personal growth, health, and wellness with our unique collection of hand-crafted herbal wellness products, instructional media and growing informational and educational content.
The deeper, broader vision is to promote and spread the philosophy, guiding principles, moral code and ethics of the martial arts and the true purpose and goal of martial arts training: self-development. Shen Marital arts was to contribute to promoting the Martial Arts as a path to personal growth in Body, Mind and Spirit. Ultimately, Shen Martial Arts was formed to present the Martial Arts as wholistic, life-long path to achieve the highest of human potential and to provide access to tools, information, education, and resources to advance in this path. So, it is with these lofty ideals that Shen Martial Arts (originally Shen Martial Training Supply) began in the late 1980’s and that continue to inform and guide us on our own continuing journey.

Dit Da Ke, Chinese Medicine and World Herbology
Dit Da Ke and Traditional Chinese Medicine share their foundations, theory and fundamentals making the study of TCM a natural extension for continued study which was undertaken for 10 years. Classical Chinese Medicine, the original form of Chinese Medicine with the esoteric and ancient principles intact, was studied extensively for another 12 years. During that time, our chief herbalist was exposed to Ayurveda and found many similarities to Chinese medicine as well as a variety of herbs not found that complemented and added to the Chinese materia medica. This led to an investigation of Celtic, Mexican, African, Native and South American herbology (and others). The result was a significantly more complete, varied and applicable herbal palette, improved results for a number of conditions, and a more refined, versatile herbal toolbox. So, now over 40 years of learning have led to what we call World Herbology (not to be mistaken for Planetary Herbology).

Shen Martial Arts Research Library

External and Internal / Medicinal & Magical
External and internal can refer to a variety of factors. Topical liniments are often called external, while elixirs and tinctures, taken orally are termed, Internal. All herbs are internal and external and can even be used in both ways simultaneously. The medicinal aspect of herbs is sometimes called external and the “magical” function is considered internal. At Shen internal and external are one and the same and are different parts of a continuous spectrum. Our herbal lore includes the magical / energetic / esoteric aspects, and while in the past we have focused on the medicinal, we acknowledge and observe the esoteric functions. We have begun releasing protective herbal sachets and have planned to continue to expand in this category as more customer requests are received. We are fully knowledgeable in herbal, stone, crystal, metal magic, properties and benefits and in ritual/ceremonial activation and more. Herbs are magic and there is magic in all herbs.

The New Shen Martial Arts
Inherited Herbology + Herbology from Around the World Best Dit Da Jow Formulas + Full Line Herbal Remedies Extensive Experience + Expanded Study & Ongoing Research Herbal Products for Martial Artists + Herbal Products for Everyone! Mature Line of Proven Products + Ongoing Introduction of New Herbal Solutions Content to Benefit, Inform, Educate and Support Ongoing Growth, Advancement and Personal Development of Seekers From All Paths
After a decades long journey and many challenges, this is the New Shen Martial Arts. Still martial artists but with an expanded vision of benefiting everyone that seeks us out, and with an expanded repertoire to achieve this, we are where we need to be at this point in our journey and as we continue to increase our ability to contribute to your self-development path, getting closer to what we were always meant to be. And since the devil is in the details and it is the little things that count, we have improved and are continuing to improve in delivery, response, availability, and accessibility. We encourage you to reach out to us via our dedicated telephone number, text or email. We want to hear from you, to get your ideas for new or better products, your feedback on how our products work or how we can improve in other areas.