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Triphala literally translates to "3 Fruits". All 3 of the fruits in this marvelous herbal combination are powerful and famous as standalone in their own right. Together, they synergize into one of the best examples of herbal medicine in the world. Triphala comes to us from ancient India and thus has a long history of documented medicinal benefits, so many in fact that it they border on the miraculous. This yet is another herbal gift from India and the ayurvedic tradition to the world. 


Learn more here:

      1.  Triphala: A wonder drug of Ayurveda

       2.  Amazing Benefits of Triphala


Triphala is widely available in various forms, such as a extract powder, extract powder capsules, prepared liquid mouthwash, and as a tincture. The tincture form is by far the best and most effective as it provides the best absorption and bioavailability, delivering the highest amount of the herbal essence to the body for healing. It also provides for the most precise, controlled and repeatable dosing. Shen Martial Arts uses traditional extraction of the direct plant material, achieving the desired concentration by strict Herb to Liquid Base (Menstrum) ratios.  Our tincture is extracted over time to provide the purest, highest quality herbal essence. Simply the best there is. 


1 dropper taken 2X per day under the tongue will consistently and repeatably provide the most optimal dosage and aborption. For external/topical application dissolve 2 droppers into 1 ounce of water or 1/2 an ounce of oil and apply to skin, wounds, cuts or to skalp and hair. For oral health dissolve 4 droppers of Triphala Tincture into 2 ounces of warm water and use as a mouthwash. 


Disclaimer: This is a traditional herbal supplement. The above statements have not been verified by the FDA. User assumes all risk.

Triphala - 3 Fruit Marvel: Amlaki, Vibhitaki and Haritaki


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