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The DVD contains an introduction, basics, terminology and the White Lotus Sword form all presented by GM Doo Wai. According to Lore, this form was created by The white Lotus Sword was created by Daoist Monk Fung Do Duk. 


This DVD is typical of some of the more rare material recorded by GM Doo Wai. It is recorded in a small space and repetitive sequences that have already been shown are pointed out but not recorded. This material was originally recorded for a specific group of experienced practitioners and is not explicit or repetitive as in more basic instructional material as it was not intended for an open audience with varying degrees of practice. It is a rare form and of value for those with an interest in the Bak Fu Pai system of Kung Fu.


Produced and performed by Grandmaster Doo Wai, the 6th generation inheritor of the Bak Fu Pai system of Kung Fu .


DVD in NSTC (DVD -R) Format Approx. 15 min running time. There are no refunds for DVD's, only replacement for defective DVD's once the suspect DVD is returned and confirmed to be defective.

White Lotus Sword Form (Double edged, Tai Chi Gim) by GM Doo Wai


Celebrate with Our Neighbors to the South!

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